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Hello, New Friends!

Writer: Madie Madie

I am so grateful to be saying 'hello' to many new faces! Recently, the subscriptions to my blog have boomed {thank you!} so I wanted to share a bit about myself for all of you who are new here.

First of all, hi and thank you very much for your support of SimplyMadie! This is a revamp of my first blog BeYouTifulMadeline. I started writing my blog about five years ago when I was in college. I am one of those people who is not great at just staying still; some may even say I am a master multi-tasker. Nonetheless, I was having so much fun going to Walgreens and Walmart to find hidden beauty gems {on a budget!} and wanted to share that with people on a larger scale. So, I started my blog and my Instagram dedicated to all things beauty!

Nowadays, I like to add a bit more content. I have allowed myself to branch out and write whatever I want is my blog after all. While I do stick mainly to beauty, I am always open to suggestions as I want this to be a place you enjoy coming to as well.

A little about me: I am 25 years old; I live in Chicago; I have a full-time job as an Insurance Broker in addition to maintaining my blog; I have a dog named Mack; I have my Bachelor's degree in Public Health & Women's Studies; I love to bake; I am a beauty product addict; I love people and love sharing my favorite things with you all. This is my happy place!

Here are all of the places you can connect with me:

Thank you so much again for reading and interacting with me; it makes my day!



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