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Mar 11, 2021
Wedding Planning | How I Juggle My 9 to 5 While Planning Our Wedding
At first, I was team 'I need a wedding planner or else I may lose my sanity.' But, honestly, wedding planning has been a really special...

Jan 23, 2021
My Life With Adeno | 'Just Get Pregnant'
We're starting this series of stories off with one of my personal favorites; the one where a doctor recommended to my 20 year old self to...

Jan 5, 2021
2021 Dream Board | Inspirations & Aspirations For the New Year
I used to love creating dream boards for the new year. You know the ones; big poster board, magazine clippings, fun tape and even a dash...

Jan 2, 2021
Workin' On My Fitness | Tone It Up
Ok, I'll admit it; I haven't properly worked out since September {2020}. I've made a lot of excuses as to why: 'We're in the middle of a...

Dec 19, 2020
Books I Want to Read in 2021
I used to read every single day. Yep, first thing in the morning, too; when my brain is the most fresh and relaxed. Then, something...

Dec 17, 2020
Our First Tree! | Decorate With Us
Believe it or not, this is Casey and my first tree together...after eight Christmases together! It wasn't for a lack of wanting a tree...

Dec 15, 2020
30 Last Minute Gift Ideas for Everyone in Your Life
I know I'm guilty of last-minute Holiday shopping. The one person I always forget. Someone I didn't realize we were exchanging gifts...

Aug 1, 2020
Everything I Bought on Amazon | July 2020
I know, I know - there is a lot of irony in this post given my recent update on my personal challenge for this month...but, I know y'all...

Jul 6, 2020
Halfway Through 2020 | Goals Part Two
I heard someone say that we are halfway through 2020 and it stopped me dead in my tracks. How is that even possible?! It was just NYE! I...

Jul 2, 2020
Fourth of July Red | My Favorite High-End and Drugstore Red Lipsticks & Stains
Don't panic, there is still time to find the perfect Fourth of July red lip! Here are some of my favorites and top recommendations:...

Jun 27, 2020
I Can Finally Share... | Our Big Announcement!
As some of you know, my boyfriend Casey and I are high school sweethearts. We have been through so much together but we're about to...

Jun 14, 2020 Weekly Round-Up | What You Were Loving This Week | 06.08-06.13
While this week may have been a slow on my end when it came to sharing products with you, you all still reviewed my LTKit page and...

Jun 13, 2020
SPF Saves Lives, Seriously!
With Summer knocking at our doors, what better time than now to bring some SPF into your lives? I advocate for daily SPF use but...

May 19, 2020
MaryRuth Organics Elderberry Drops | Gifted
I don't know about you but I have been feeling very 'off' lately. You know the feeling; foggy-headed, sluggish, sinus pressure,...

May 10, 2020 Weekly Round-Up | What You Were Loving This Week | 05.03-05.09
Last week I broke down all of my posts from the week. Today, I want to share my top 10 most popular products for the week. These are the...

Apr 30, 2020
Monthly Favorites | April 2020
Throughout all of this month's chaos, I have developed an even deeper appreciation for all I am privileged enough to have in my life: my...

Apr 25, 2020
The Smoothest Skin Ever ft. the Billie Razor
Let me start but admitting the obvious, okay? Instagram algorithms got me on this one. I kid you not when I say I saw probably 20 IG ads...

Apr 23, 2020
Summertime Chi | Spotify Playlist
A new season (aka warm weather!) means new Spotify playlist! As I feel like Spring will be over and done once the quarantine is lifted, I...

Apr 21, 2020
Gluten Free Tuna & Crab Cakes
I am not usually one to toot my own horn but, toot toot! I made a variation of this crab cake recipe based on 1) what I had in the house...

Madie Nixon
Apr 14, 2020
How I Became a Morning Person | Three Easy Ways You Can Too
Let me tell you, I used to be c-r-a-b-b-y in the mornings. I completely understand, now as an adult, why my mom insisted on finishing her...
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