If you have been following me for a while, you will know by now that I am very self-conscious about my skin.
I have suffered from acne since I was about 13 years old and have never been able to shake it; until now.

While my skin is not 'perfect,' it is so much better than it has been in years. Now, I get one or two pimples at a time instead of a dozen. My acne clears quicker now and is less painful than before.
One reason I have seen a difference is that I went off of the pill. Yes, you read that correctly. This was a very personal choice but one I feel I had to make for many reasons. Aside from that, I have a few tips for clearing my skin.
Please note, these are personal to me and me alone. But, I hope that some of these tricks and products can help you too!
1. Drink your water!
I know it sounds silly but seriously water makes such a huge difference. I purchased a 32oz water bottle from amazon and I try to drink at least two of these a day. I know it is a lot - and yes, you will have to pee constantly - but it is an inexpensive way to see results fast. And, hello, it's good for you so do it anyway!
2. Avoid Processed Sugars & Gluten
When I first decided to cut gluten out of my life, it was really hard. I have the biggest sweet tooth and especially for items like cookies and brownies. But, as soon as I cut gluten out, the tiny bumps on my forehead cleared and the acne on my chest and back faded as well. Gluten is a common allergy in my family (seriously, it's not just a fad!) so I was not shocked to learn that it was a cause of my acne. Was it easy to give up gluten? No. But it is worth it to me.
3. Finding (Topical) Products That Work
This was a long process but I finally feel like I have found products that really have helped clear my skin.
A. Glamglow Mud Mask - I love to use this as a spot treatment or all over on really bad skin days
B. Cocokind Matcha Moisturizer - Something about this moisturizer - I for one think it's the fact that it is all-natural - makes my skin soft and glowing overnight
C. Sunday Riley A+ Retinol Serum - I have noticed a huge difference in my forehead smile lines as well as the frequency of my acne
D. Tea Tree Oil - The classic spot treatment! My mom taught me about this one long ago and I have had Tea Tree of some sort in my skincare collection ever since
4. Finding (Internal) Products That Work
A. Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides - I know a lot of people think this is placebo but I strongly disagree. I can feel it in my joints when I don't drink my collagen in my coffee and I can see it in my skin when I go days without. I always travel with this and drink it religiously - I am obsessed!
B. Olly Glowing Skin Vitamins - I thought these would be a wash but I actually love them! This line specifically (the Glowing Skin) really has helped to give me a natural glow! It's getting to a point that I like how my skin looks better without foundation...who am I?!
No matter if you were born with 'perfect' skin or if you have to work a little harder for it, go easy on yourself. It is OK to have acne. In fact, it is perfectly normal! It can be so difficult but give yourself some grace and learn to love the skin you're in. It will make such a difference once you find that inner confidence and rock what your momma gave ya!